Understanding the Complexities of Lupus: Symptoms and Treatment Options

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Complexities of Lupus


Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in different parts of the body. It can affect any part of the body, including the joints, skin and kidneys. Say’s Dr Lane Sebring, the hallmark of lupus is painless swelling, which usually occurs around joints or other bony structures. However, not all people with SLE have these symptoms; they may also experience fatigue and joint pain. Lupus can affect anyone at any age — but it’s most common in women ages 15 to 45 years old.

What is lupus?

Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue. The symptoms of lupus vary from person to person, but they often include fatigue, fever and a skin rash that covers much of the body.

There is no cure for lupus; however there are treatments you can use to manage your symptoms as well as reduce their impact on daily life. These treatments include medications such as corticosteroids (prednisone), immunosuppressants like cyclophosphamide or azathioprine which suppress the immune system’s ability to cause damage in organs such as your liver or kidneys if left unchecked by effective therapy for too long an interval during pregnancy may result in serious birth defects so it’s important not only before conception but also during early pregnancy when organogenesis occurs most rapidly

Who gets lupus?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects all races, genders and ages. It can develop at any point in life but most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 45.

What are the symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)?

  • Pain.
  • Swollen joints.
  • Tiredness, fatigue, and malaise. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms for people with lupus and can be debilitating for some people who have it–but rest isn’t always enough to help you feel better. It’s important to see your doctor if you’re having trouble sleeping or concentrating because these issues could be related to your medication doses or other health problems like depression or anxiety that may require treatment on their own (or in combination with medications).
  • Skin rashes: The most common type of skin rash is a butterfly-shaped red spot on the face called discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). Other types of rashes include: red patches that appear on sun-exposed areas such as cheeks; white patches over large areas like arms or legs; raised bumps similar to blisters on hands/ fingers/feet; sores around mouth caused by eating salty foods while experiencing dry mouth due to Sjogren’s syndrome

How is lupus treated?

Lupus is a chronic disease, meaning it lasts for at least six months and can be fatal if not treated properly. It’s important to get treatment for lupus as soon as possible to reduce your risk of complications, such as kidney disease or heart problems.

Doctors will prescribe medications to manage symptoms and prevent flares (periods when symptoms worsen). These may include:

  • Immunosuppressants, which decrease the body’s immune response so that it doesn’t attack healthy cells or organs. Examples include corticosteroids such as prednisone; azathioprine (Imuran); cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) and methotrexate (Rheumatrex).
  • Anti-malarials like hydroxychloroquine sulfate (Plaquenil), chloroquine phosphate


Lupus is a complex disease with many different symptoms and treatment options. It can be difficult to diagnose and even more challenging to manage, but knowing what signs to look for and when to seek help will make things easier on you.

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